A new home


Well looks like the site is back up. Over the weekend the hosting company that I use appeared to have up and died, as well as the redirection website. So I started to look into finding a new home for The Bauble to be shifted to. Since the current setup is entirely free I had to start looking into paying for web hosting.

I did find a good site that not only would host but would also give me a different website address, a proper .com one, but today had an email saying they would not be able to provide me the service because my IP did not match. I am assuming that this is because I registered from behind works firewall and the IP of my machine changes every twelve hours or so.

But for now it looks like all is well again and things are working as they were, so no massive rush to get the new hosting sorted.

In other news I got to play properly with the graphics tablet last night. I have a rough character design done that I will upload tonight (maybe tomorrow). It might go through some alterations before the webcomic begins but it is a good example of how easy the graphics tablet was to use.

Also I have been keeping with my 1000 words per night minimum over the last few days. Great to finally get back into the habit of regular writing again, even if it is shite and full of grammar issues and in need of rewriting at a later date.


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