Perform at the door


So, I have mentioned before how I now get free admittance into Neptune because I performed there once. Which is good, because even though it isn't all that expensive to get into anyway, but it means that I can just drop in of a Friday night and catch a show if I have nothing else on.

Except this Friday as I trundled down the stairs into the dark and dimly lit underbelly that is my home from comedy home

the club runner/owner greeted me with his usual handshake that he gives most of the acts. We have a quick yap about next months time slots and who is on tonight and he says to me that there is a free slot for tonight do I want it.

Now, despite having performed a few times to varying types of crowds, I was a little nervous. My mate that was with me said I might as well and the runner started to give me his now trademark comedy pep talk about grabbing things by the balls and just going for broke.

So I said I would.

It was only ten minutes, I had most of my new stuff in my head, just no rehearsed, and the crowd was fairly small.

And it wasn't all that bad.

My main fear with this whole comedy lark is that one night I am going to be on the stage and not get a single laugh.

Sadly that didn't happen last night.

Even though it was a very small crowd of people and I had only half jokes and made up jokes to run with, I still got laughs and chuckles from the crowd. They wasn't nearly as big a laugh as I would have liked, but there wasn't that deafening silence. I told some new jokes I hadn't practised yet, I told some jokes that I actually made up five minutes before going on stage, I told some jokes that I made up on stage, and I interacted a little with the crowd to get some jokes going that way.

Overall I was very happy with the experience. No support group sans one friend I dragged along and then compliments from another comedian who had just showed up for the entertainment.

Can't wait for my next slot.


Tags: comedy

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