No more Blade movies!
31-08-2008Just finished uploading some more background code for the site while watching "Blade Trinity". Oh my God what a load of shite that movie was. It was better than Indy number Four (but then again so is Pearl Harbour and I hate that movie) but it was close at points.
I liked the first "Blade" movie, thought it was a good brain in the bucket vampire flick.
I was indifferent to the second one. It didn't add to the story, it didn't take away, and either way I could ignore it.
But this third one was just bloody dreadful. Some hacked together plot involving Dracula? What the hell is that all about. No wonder it has taken me so long to finally get around to seeing it and I only did end up watching it because I couldn't find the remote to change the channel.
I'm off to watch "Dracula" now, to replace the bad vampire movie memory currently in my head with a good one.
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