Bored with things


So, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately after a chat with a good mate of mine from college. We both were discussing how neither of us was happy with our jobs and how the day to day grind is soul destroying. Although that bastard has decided to do something about it at least.

But it did get me thinking.

I think that I should start looking at a job change, maybe even an entire career shift into a different field of some kind. Who knows. I just know that my cubical life is slowly killing me. I am not making enough money in it, I am doing more work than I am getting paid for/rewarded for and more hours seem to keep getting spent in the office than at home. Which has now started to effect my social life and my own projects.

Webcomic: Still nowhere near getting started.

Bro's Website: Not even started

My writing a book: slowed to a near standstill.

All because work has started to sap me of energy and when I get home in the evening I just brain veg. Hell I haven't even been updating the blog as often as I should be. And I wouldn't mind if I at least had the cash to in some way justify not having finished my book, drawn my comic, etc.

Be prepared for many more entries about this, since I use this little spot of the internet to straighten out my thoughts. Plus some of you make wise ass comments that help out too.


Tags: rant

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