The Budget


Holy shit, I knew it was going to be bad but that was epic in so many ways. I get the whole raising of certain things but I think they may have gone a step too far with this 1% levy on your salary before tax takes the rest of it. That just seems to be a little extreme. Why not just not take the massive bonuses they awarded themselves? How come in this country the rich stay rich while the poor keep getting poorer?

Not to mention that crazy idea about charging people 200 euro a year to park at work, when the parking is provided for them by their employers. I am a little confused on that one. My company provides me with a parking space so I have to pay the government 200 to use it. What exactly has the government got to do with the land my employer has purchased and built on?

Of course you could argue that this is a way of pushing people into taking the bus. After all with the petrol hike and motor tax hike it will be cheaper now. Except they cut any funding for transport improvements, so whatever transport is there now is what we will be using to leave the cars at home. A transport system that is already over strained at it's current levels and also grossly inefficient.

I can see bad things happen. People had been prepared for a tough budget, but I think they have just brought about their own demise. It has been years since anybody revolted in this country but this might just bring the spark back, the Irish know how to throw a good revolution after all.

In other news I have material for a new chronicle, was meant to type it up today but it will be tomorrow before that happens. Also I am getting around to learning the new comedy material. Ah the fun and games of it all.

Now to go out and collect some cans so I can recycle them and use the money to buy a slice of bread.


Tags: rant

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