Feed the ego


Well, video is up in the video section of last night's gig. Another video is out in the wild as well so I might try and get that and put it up too. Sound system was a little funky but you can hear most of what is said.

Overall it wasn't a bad old gig. I didn't have any dead time which is a great thing really, the punchline might have only got a chuckle but that is better than nothing. Some of the jokes didn't hit home but sure that's what the comedy is all about: learning how to make things work. Plus I have to give a nod to Enda, MC for the night, and his warming up of the crowd before I got on. That stoner routine is just priceless.

Hell I got the buzz I expect to get, I got to say some dirty things to a room of strangers and I didn't get booed or heckled. Who wouldn't put that in the win pile?

Check out the vid and leave a comment if ya want, help hone the skill.


Tags: comedy

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