I have the Black Death


Well not really, but somebody thought it would be funny to say that I did. In health news my eyes have returned more or less to normal, normal being that they can see stupidly far but also not so gunked up with nasty stuff. I did have a load of crap to clean out of them this morning, but the bleary drunk man look is gone. My throat on the other hand is slower to heal. Only today did I actually manage to start eating without massive amounts of pain. Hot tea with honey and gargling with salt water is on the cards for now.

I posted last time that the writing had suffered a little this week. As usual I felt guilt after posting that and started to work harder at the writing. So the good news is that I have kept my 500 words a day minimum with one story at least. This weekend I start going back to re-writing my book as well. Not to mention plotting the comic and plotting the next book/story.

I worked from home today. Well "worked" would be a better use of that word. Sadly my plan of hitting the Neptune to catch the comics is out as the pub is being done up until next week. Which means my Friday night is a little more open that I would have liked it to be. One thing I will do this weekend is start to sketch characters and hell just sketch. I follow a web comic drawn by a really cool artist, who just can draw and has no actual training in it, and his style is great. I need to get my style back, or change the current one.

I also was offered a job today by a friend of mine. We were interns in the same company and kept in touch over the years because we just got on really well. The job is in Belfast though, so I need to sit down and do a little thinking. Do I pack in my current job and move further away from home or do I stick it out in my currently soul destroying job?

Any help on that one will be rewarded with a cookie. (Note you must have your internet browser settings turned on to allow cookies).

Yes that last line was a geek joke, deal with it.


Tags: rant

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