The Northern Trip


So...the world is running out of money or something. Everything is getting more expensive and people are looking around for the cheap deals. One such funny event is happening in Ireland these days.

Due to various reasons (mainly the fact that shops in the Republic were allowed charge whatever they wanted for years) it has come about that in the current economic climate Northern Ireland is cheaper to do a food shop in. So loads of people are going up there to shop and save money, money which then goes into paying bills in the Republic.

Of course this is no big mystery to the average joe on the street. The dirty, dirty, secret about why people are driving up North to buy food is obvious: it's cheaper than hell and the shops down here need to start doing something to entice people to shop here.

But the Government has had to send a Task Force (which in today's language is alright but a few years ago a Republican Task force would have sounded a little iffy) up to figure out why people are no longer shopping in the local store.

Um...really? We are having enough money troubles as it is, lets pay for a bunch of TDs to go up on a week long holiday and figure out what the real reason is. Forget that for months it has been on the radio that it is cheaper to shop in the North than here. Forget that everyone else in the country knows that is the reason. Let's send a bunch of muppets up to figure out the real reason.

Jesus Christ with straight forward thinking like that is it any wonder we are in the shitter.

In Summary: The reason people are going up North to buy their food is because it is a fraction of the cost that it would be here.

There, I just saved the country a couple of hundred euro. No need for that trip.


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