When does the hurting stop


I really do not want to head into the office now. I have a mountain of work to do both professionally and personally and I couldn't be bothered doing either. But needs must and all that, so I get to have my little rant over the internets and leave it at that.
Plus Newbie is off today, I will have nobody to torment dammit.

Comedy Material coming along at a steady pace. I have enough for ten minutes but will add in more because I always seem to go on stage with ten minutes material and forget something and loose a few minutes. See, I can learn from the silence of the crowd.

New website. Well christ if I haven't hit a dozen problems that I can't figure out. The new menu system won't work, the style of the site isn't behaving the way it should. If I didn't like the new banner image so much I would almost just abandon the entire project.

Two chronicles are waiting to be written as well. I will get them up over the weekend (which for once is mine to do with as I please since nobody else has hijacked my day).

Oh and I just learned that bad things do happen to bad people. Said people being ones I know. It has filled my black heart with a warmth on this chilly morning.

I'm nothing if not a bastard.


Tags: comedy

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