Jesus Christ - I said that on purpose


Being a comedian I never thought that I would be joining a cause for anything other than the attempt to make people laugh. But only last night was I asked to join a cause for something that I happen to agree with.

Go and check out this load of shit.

This site isn't actually the source of the stupidity more along the lines a really informational one about the stupidity that is being bandied about the halls of our Governmental buildings.

In fact the site has some very interesting videos about the basis for the original law as well as the views of some of the folks that are fighting against it becoming a new law once again. Check out Robbie Bonham (comedian friend from the small circuit) for some good points.

The law that I am talking about is not being able to take the Lord's Name in vain. The good old slap to the face you used to get from your grandparents when you would say "Jesus Christ" for banging your foot or declaring that something or somebody was being an idiot.

You know, the stuff that should be left in the past because the country has changed so much in the last thirty odd years.

Back in the day there was probably a valid reason for having something like this in place since the State and the Church were so tightly woven together that they were nearly one and the same thing. To offend one was to offend both. Considering that so many of the schools in the country were being ran by the Church at the time it no doubt made sense to make sure nobody from Joe Public walked around offending what it stood for.

Then again The Ryan Report sort of highlighted that maybe just because you preach the Word of God doesn't necessarily mean that you follow the same Word. In fact my dad used to say that the very fact that somebody wanted to become a priest should be reason enough to not let that person become a priest. But then he always did have a funny view on religion.

Not entirely sure if I have mentioned my own religious views on the site before so I will do it here just in case. I am what is classed as a heretic. I have a belief (that is unshakeable might I add) but one that does not adhere to the set down faith that I was born into. I am not a pagan, I am not a heathen, I am not a person that does not believe in God. I just am a person that only believes in God and thinks the rest of the stuff was created as a control method to keep the peasants in line. But I won't go around knocking those that do believe in what I don't. For a long time I have always thought that religion is too big a divide. I have many friends from all walks of life with all different religious beliefs and am a better person for it.

But this dumb shit is just yet another thing that the Government is doing these days to either avoid being in the spot light for raising taxes or try and gather support from some sector of the population that they might otherwise not have had the support from.

I mean for the love of God, we are not living in the 1800's anymore. We are living in a world where technology has improved our way of life, where the Internet provides reams of information at the click of a mouse, where a person's views can be broadened and their horizons stretched far farther than what the local priest will tell them he can or cannot believe in. Why bring back such an archaic and outdated system and try and apply it to a way of life that no longer needs it. What next? Women can't vote or work? Black people can only pick corn and cotton from the fields? An Irish person cannot own the land they live on but must rent it from an English landlord who doesn't live in the country? If that is the case you may as well start to remake the coffin ships out of wood and point them towards the New World because nobody is going to stay around for this shit.

Not only is the law itself stupid, but the wording of the law is also as retarded. Ireland is now a hotpot of different cultures. And we are better for that fact. Yes racism exists in some areas and some form, but by and large as a race we are better and more tolerant of others. Only today did I have a conversation about how my generation has no problem accepting a person is gay, as oppose to the small issues my parents generation had and the massive ones their parents may have had. But with the wording of this "new" law if you say anything that is blasphemous to any religion you can be brought up on it.

Here are two religions they would want to have a loophole to not include and this is just me thinking off the top of my head as I write the rant: Scientology and Satanism. One is a dangerous cult that brain washes people into believe in E.T. coming to save them and the other is one that allows its members to worship the devil by raping young virgins.

With this new law if you called a Satanist a peado he could get you done for blasphemy.

Seriously this is both a dangerous and stupid law to be trying to bring in. Next thing you know the Government will become The Big Green and Useless Church of Fianna Fáil and saying that they have ran the country into the ground while lining their pockets will be blasphemous.

Wake up, stand up, join the fight to stop stupid laws being made by retards in Leinster House.


Tags: comedy

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