Tell Me The Words


Aside from missing a few word targets over the weekend (which I am trying to undo by writing a little extra these days) I am still hitting the five hundred words a day target. Sometimes I get a bit more written, sometimes I get just on the money, but overall it is getting done.

Once this Friday rolls around my Christmas vacation kicks in (I swear to God I am worse than a teacher with my Christmas holidays this year) so I might try and bump up the writing for the holidays from five hundred to an even thousand a day. Should be doable.

Mostly happy with how the story is coming along so far. I want to go over it and try and add some more comedy elements into it (it is a comedy story for a change) and obviously need to fix up grammar and spelling that I missed along the way.

In site news I will also try get some new features added during my time off that have been bouncing around my head for a while. One of them is still an album cover system for the gallery. Nothing fancy, just a replacement approach to the drop down menu list that is currently there. Another is integrating my twitter account a bit more into The Bauble. At the minute most of you will know, or can at least guess, that the little blurb in the top section is my twitter account. I have the twitter account linked to my facebook status so they both update when I update one. What I am toying with in my head is adding a little bit of code that will update my twitter account when I post a new rant, so that twitter followers and facebook friends will also get a heads up. It isn't an entirely useful feature granted, but it is easy enough to do (I think, I have yet to write the code but the theory is sound) so I will try it out for a bit and see what happens.

Once I get my graphics machine fully back up I hope to get some more t-shirt designs going again. The little destruction that occurred when I was doing the reinstall sort of wiped everything on me.

Not to mention I still have to get the Christmas presents in for the family.

Hmm...maybe I should make a list of priorities of things to do/get done during my holiday.

I swear to God the first person that leaves a comment about checking the list twice will be hunted down and killed!


Tags: rant

Not Saying | Wed, 09 Dec 09 10:38:23 +0000

So are you making a list and checking it twice? You need to also find out who has been naughty and nice :P

Claire | Wed, 09 Dec 09 18:31:22 +0000

Ping for love of god.........VACATION???? Have ya turned all Yank on me!! It's holiday......come on now!

Disappointed | Thu, 10 Dec 09 20:18:16 +0000



did u forget u were raised in lucan?

Me | Fri, 11 Dec 09 10:41:37 +0000

I say vacation too!

Am not an Americano, but I do like the coffee

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