Anywhere Else


I won't lie, I am avoiding work. Clawing a few minutes out of the busy day to do something that is not mind numbingly boring.

At the minute we have a big project on in the job which is basically something you would need an army of interns to do.

It is time consuming. It is not engaging. It is donkey work. It is not mentally challenging. It is soul despairingly long.

It also happens to be something that the boss man has a big interest (maybe a little bit too much interest if truth be told) in, so it also has to be done.

But as I click on the next item in my list of machines to work with on this project I am thinking about all the other stuff that would be more fun to do right now.

Like working on my book (got back into the habit after the Christmas so the word count is moving along again).

Finishing my oil painting (since I am letting it dry so I can fix a bit on what I have so far but I wouldn't mind messing about some more with the gear).

Watching a flick with the girlfriend.

Counting the grains of salt in the salt shaker.

That list is in no particular order. But I reckon each and every one of them would be better than this project.

I don't mind work, it helps pay the bills and all that, but I mind when it bores me. I know it is something wrong in me. I hate being bored (not that anybody actually claims to enjoy being bored of course). My brain usually needs to be doing something. Either writing, writing code, reading, drawing, rebuilding a computer, figuring out some problem in the lab. Just something to keep the synapses firing. If I don't have something like that occupying some part of my grey matter I can almost feel my brain try to go to sleep.

But this project won't be done for another month and a half (when the deadline hits) and until then I can see many a rant being used as an excuse to write something and try and retain some semblance of (in)sanity.


Tags: rant

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