Lucky Bastard


In the last week I have three of those very rare lucky moments when somebody else has done something that benefits me in a strange way.

First off was the Eircom refund (as told in the previous rant).

Then last night I come home to find a bill from a broadband provider in the mail saying that they owe use thirty eight cent this month. Rather than us owing them about twenty five quid. I am not entirely sure how this happened since I paid the bill using my laser card and you have a pain in the ass machine on the other end double check everything you entered. I had to pay just under twenty five quid before Christmas for our bill and did that. But this months bill is claiming I paid twice (which I didn't because my online banking proves it) and as a result they are not looking for money this month.

How do you handle a situation like that? I mean really.

Then today I decided to check how many vacation days I get this year. The rule is you get twenty/twenty one days by default for a full year. You can carry over a max of five days that need to be used around April. By the end of the year you must have taken no less than twenty days throughout the year. Since I started back in Sun I have yet to get a proper balance of vacation days. I carried over three this year from last and according to my maths that equals twenty four. According to HR it equals thirty. I fired off an email just to double check my balance is correct (because the boss has a tendency to go off on one if you vacation balance looks odd) and they say it is.

I mean I even tried to do the right thing there by pointing out the mistake, but they just wouldn't hear of it. So thirty days is what I have for this year. What to do, what to do?

Some other stuff. The lady friend found this the other day. It actually began here as a deadly serious attempt at writing a book. The website has all the story nicely collected but you should read the forum for some of the reactions to the story as it unfolded. Hilarious stuff altogether. I reckon you will enjoy it as much as we have. Hell I subscribed to the websites RSS feed today, just so I never miss some of the Trent madness.


Tags: rant

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