Nordie Nightengale


I have been getting migraines for about fourteen years now. Maybe even longer than that still. In fact as I think about it it has to be longer than that because I can remember getting my first one while spending a week during the summer out with my Nan and that is at least fifteen years ago.

But the point is that I get them. As has been ranted about the odd time they consume large portions of my day and bring havoc into my life.

I have never had one as bad as the one I got during the weekend though.

Over the years I have had ones that lasted a few days and even one that last an entire week. But they would all start off big and painful and skull destroying and then over the next few days die down slowly but surely to something I could mange.

It would appear nobody left a memo for this weekend's visitor. He started on Sunday morning as a tiny one that grew and grew and by Sunday night had me going to bed at half eight in a truckload of pain and misery. Generally sleep is the best of all the cures for these things. I would get to bed early and wake up about twelve hours later refreshed.

The alarm went off on Monday morning and the migraine was actually worse. Not only that it had the strangest change to my body I have ever experience. I was so thirsty that my mouth was empty of all fluid. My body went through moments of electric spasms to total inability to move. Light not only hurt my eyes but my eyeballs themselves felt sore, like a muscle that had been overused to the point of ripping in half. My head screamed with pain with every thought that I had and to top it all my stomach was throwing up the acid to burn my throat, while at the same time feeling like it wanted to throw up a lot more than that.

Obviously I wasn't going into work today and my super girlfriend decided to work from home and mind me in my bad shape because she had never seen me like that before.

Over the course of the next few hours I drank water, took pills, tried to sleep. Nothing was working. I even drank an entire bottle of a sports drink to try and get me back to some level of hydration. Five minutes later I was running through the apartment to the loo to say hello to that drink again. Along with anything else that had been in my stomach over the last few hours.

Overall the experience was not a pleasant one at all and would have been made all the worse if the ladyfriend hadn't given the best Florence Nightingale act you have ever seen.

Still have no idea what brought it on, but I sure as hell know that I never want to have another migraine that goes like that.

Some of you on the RSS or the Email list might have gotten a slightly different title for this rant sent to you. That's because in my migraine haze I had come up with the current title but forgot it this morning. As tends to happen when I have a migraine my total recall doesn't work. Ergo the small change.


Tags: rant

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