Tuesday, I barely knew ya


It's Wednesday morning, officially. To be precise it is early on Wednesday morning. Why am I ranting so early? Well, because I can't sleep.

See, I didn't really have a Tuesday this week. I woke up on Tuesday morning at around five with a strange sensation in my head.

It was like somebody had gotten a really long drill bit and was boring into my brain through my right eye. To the normal person, that would be unsettling. To me it was a sure indication that I was having a migraine.

Not the most ideal way to start your day. As you contemplate scooping out the offending eye with a rusty spoon to ease the pain you just know it's going to be one of those days.

Usually I would go into work with a migraine, or at least work from home. But this one was bad, real bad. So I turned over, tried to sleep some more and when the alarm went off for work two hours later realised that I wasn't going to be seeing much of this day. In fact I had to get the ladyfriend to text my manager and a fellow migraine-suffering co-worker saying that I wasn't going to be around on Tuesday.

So the text was sent, pills were taken and I returned to troubled, broken, sleep.

It's been a long while since I've lost an entire day to a migraine and man they are no fun. Between sleeping, waking up, rolling around in pain, looking at food and realising that it wouldn't stay down that long, and sleeping some more I wasted the entire day. More to the point I lost the entire day. It was past six in the evening before the pain had died down enough for me to get out of bed.

This type of migraine I reckon is the origin of the time concept problem that I have, or the lack of a time concept. When you loose entire days it gets tricky to keep things straight in your head.

Now the problem is that I slept all bloody day, so I am full of energy and in no way tired. Meaning tomorrow is going to be one long mother of a day. With any luck I should be tired enough in a few hours to get some sleep.

Migraines, gotta love them.


Mr. Tea | Thu, 08 Jul 10 22:10:20 +0100

Good head vibes being sent your way ;;;;;////////////////;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;////////////////////////////;;;

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