Food Baby!!!


Just finished having Easter Dinner with the lady friend, my parental units (biological and soon-to-be-step) and the youngest brother. I am now entering a blissful food coma while the food baby in my belly slowly passes through my system.

I am comfortably uncomfortably full, if such a thing can possibly happen.

See one of my all time, if not THE all time, favorite meats to eat is lamb. Say what you will to try and encourage me to not eat it, it won't make a difference. You'd be better of explaining to the EU how the Internet really works and that if you are proven wrong about "Climate Refugees" you should just 'take yo lumps' and admit defeat.

It is just the best meat in the world. Sadly the lady friend doesn't agree, it is one of the few food related things that we differ on. Never did I think I would meet somebody with such a huge hatred of mushrooms as myself, but she shares this. So I guess you can overlook the lamb thing.

But she is an awesome cook when it gets going. For me cooking is a scientific thing. You follow the instructions and the results are pleasing to the palate. Herself? Well she never measures anything, throws it all in the pot, and next thing you know you have a dish fit for the gods on the table before you.

Really, it happens like that.

So in an attempt to try lamb she went off one day and found a dish that sounded like she might enjoy it. She did, not to the same level as myself but enough to want to try it again.

Today, being Easter (or Zombie Jesus Day for the blasphemous readers out there) lamb was on the menu. Along with a host of veg and what not.

It was amazing. Whatever magic she managed during the cooking process made this meat perfect in every way. It literally fell off the bone when I was carving it up, no real need for the knife at all. I rarely have my mouth water at the taste of food but smelling this bad boy cooking for the last four hours...there was a monsoon happening in my yapper.

To top it all off, if cooking a great dinner like that wasn't enough, she had made a baked cheesecake.

Now, I like me desserts. There is no denying it. This one was no exception. In fact I kept eating it, because it tasted that bloody good, well past the point that I should have stopped.

Hence why right now my stomach is talking to me in the language of heavy digestion, asking what it did to warrant such an amazingly tasty punishment.

We're in this one together buddy, have no fear.

So a big thank you to the lady friend for inflicting me with this most enjoyable feast. Yes I am aware that inflicting isn't the right word, but I can't move my body so I think my stomach wanted to just voice its opinion too :D


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