Weekends - They're In-tents


Even though the weekend isn't over yet (it's a Bank Holiday, awesomeness :)) I have had a pretty damn fun one so far.

Myself, the lady friend and some of our mates decided to go camping this weekend. I enjoy camping, have done for years and we had just recently gotten a new tent that needed to be broken in. What better way than to head up to the North of Ireland and enjoy some down time?

The trip up was one of those hilarious ones that had a little bit of misdirection going on. I don't mean magic misdirection, I mean somebody not fully understanding what direction things were going in. Namely the lady friend. It got to the stage that I am seriously considering tattooing the words 'left' and 'right' onto her respective hands to help her overcome this problem. I will hold my hand up now and admit that when it comes to parallel parking I suck at it. Big time. Herself? Not so much. In fact many is the time I've had to get her to re-park my car. But in matters of getting from A-to-B without getting lost or totally confused I am damn good. This reputation may now be slightly tarnished after my navigator got us lost and then failed to heed direction herself :).

There was the funny "wrong turn" leading is to the right road, resulting in a U-Turn being requested as I was "just being a typical boy driver". Only for the road we ended up taking bringing us exactly to the same spot I had to U-turn at. But I was only being a typical boy driver before.

Then we had the "keep right at the fork in the road" incident, a direction that was said four times only to become "keep left at the fork" when we reached the actual fork. I listened for ten seconds, then decided to go with what I had been told earlier, from the directions, and lo and behold it was the wiser choice.

The last one that I will retell here for bastards sake (but there were a few more than this) was when we were driving home from dinner last night. Herself being the driver suggested that we keep a look out for signs that would guide us back to the campsite. Being one of those disadvantaged people with better than twenty/twenty vision I spotted the campsite sign in good time. Two of the guys in the back seat spotted a building they recognised was right outside the campsite. All three of us pointed this out to the lady friend who promptly replied "That isn't our campsite" and drove straight past it.

Let's just say the subsequent U-turn (so many U-turns) was accompanied by much evil righteous laughter.

Poor sense of direction aside the lady friend did manage to come up with an entertaining activity for the group to do today. We went Wet Water Bouldering. Which basically means we put on wet-suits, helmets and dove through a serious of pools, slid down some small water falls and swam in some rivers up a mountain. It was hours of endless fun. The rush as you dove from a damn high boulder into a pool of freezing cold water below was great. Slightly addictive one would say.

There was also the night spent in the campsite. Drinking, telling tales, playing games and watching as the scores of the the teams continued to drift apart and come close together. Let's just say there are certain groups of people that take simple games a little too seriously and it would appear the eight people in the camp last night were all of this mind set.

But sure what can you do.

Now I have tomorrow to recover from the excursions, which I have a feeling I may need considering how tired I am. Then again given the amount of fun that was had and how it filled a perfect hole of relaxation after a few busy weeks, complaining can't really be done.

Not that that has ever stopped me before ;).


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