Grown Up - Never


I probably could have ranted about this before now, but what would the point in that be really? I noticed recently that my entries are becoming a bit more sparse on The Bauble these days. Just an indication of how busy I have been lately. Any spare minute found has been used to catch up on other things or just relax for five minutes before the next wave of madness.

I've had no comedy stuff because I haven't had gigs or time to find any. I've done no coding, despite having some artwork I wanted to upload. All my writing entries go to another site these days. That's just to name a few things.

Sure Christmas is coming, a season universally known for being quiet :D

One thing that has been going on, aside from the much delayed coding for the gallery section of the site, is the search for a new home.

Myself and the lady friend have decided that we are grown up (?) enough to enter into the wonderful world of owning property. No more renting. No more dealing with a landlord that thinks the best way to fix a broken boiler is to turn off the radiator in the spare room. Masters of our own land and bearers of a house-shaped mountain of debt.

Truth be told I did very little of the work. Herself has the negotiation skills of a dragon. Not one of those ones that sit in a den on the telly. I mean one that sits on a mound of gold and eats dwarves for breakfast.

She managed to knock a sizeable chunk off the asking price and then, to put salt into the wound, got the developer (the house has never been lived in) to agree to a snag list the length of her.

She might be short but that's still five foot nothing of a list with things that she wanted fixed.

We've had a word with the bank, they will loan us a crazy lump of money. Luckily we don't need half of the amount they are willing to offer, but it means that we know they think we can cover the repayments.

The house in question is great as well. Big. Roomy (both in space and in amount of rooms). There is a lot that can be done with it and now all the time in the world to do it.

The reason I hadn't mentioned any of this before now is because I didn't want to jinx it. But with the offer accepted by the estate agent and the booking deposit transferred over it is all systems go. I think only an Act of God can derail things now.

We won't be moving until the New Year and rightly so. Who would want to be moving over the Christmas Holidays I ask ya? But once Christmas is out of the way expect the traditional "Moving Home" rants featuring arguments with Eircom to get a line in so I can pay somebody else for my broadband and the likes.

You know, the classics :)

More updates as things go along. In a way this would suggest that myself and the lady friend are growing up. In truth that is a bare faced lie, we just have a bigger house to play in now :D.


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