Packing Up


We've officially started packing up our bits and bobs in the apartment, yet another step in making the house move a reality.

Man alive do I hate packing and as was pointed out to me last night that isn't even the worst part of moving. You still have to do the actual move and unpack part of things.

Maybe cavemen had the right idea after all :D.

I reckon they are right when they say that moving is one of the most stressful things a person does. It makes a sort of sense when you think about it. If you enjoy reading books or playing computer games or just watching a DVD after work to unwind, de-stress as it were, you can't really do it during a move. A move would require you to, at some stage, pack up the very things you use to unwind. Meaning unless you have booked a week off work for moving locations you will be coming home from work and doing more work without a release valve.

How people don't become serial killers during these things is a mystery.

Maybe I could use that as a ... I've said too much.

On the upside their is the lady friend, who is something of a moving-machine with military precision included. Boxes can't stacked and packed rapidly, no holds bared, and pushed along the proverbial production line for the next box to get loaded. I reckon she secretly enjoys all the hassle of moving.

What we do have working in our favor slightly is time, despite my no concept of it. We have just under two weeks to get things boxed and moved. All going according to plan we should get the keys this Friday at the latest.

To be honest we bloody well better or Jester will be setting up beds being delivered this weekend in the garden. Lawn furniture if you will.

Anyway having the keys this weekend means a load of boxes can be carter over, emptied, and brought back for refills.

A game the whole family can partake in :D

So pack as many boxes at night this week is the current plan and get them over to the new place this Saturday. With one big push to get the apartment emptied by next Friday.

Of course in between all that packing we have to repaint little splotches on the apartment walls. Nothing major, at least not if I do it because herself thinks "covering" means "apply a blodge of paint that is three dimensional and as noticeable as fook".

Ah we live and learn :D

More updates as the move happens.


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