Dog Stock


Since the company I work in was bought out before Christmas a few things have changed. Namely our contracts and that all of us now have some strange things like stocks in the company but not exactly like stocks in the company.

For this story it doesn't really matter what we have, moral of the story is that we now have these stock-like-things and they will apparently make us some money in a year.

But as "stock" holders or employees or what-have-you we apparently are entitled to get a report on how the stocks of the company are doing. Makes sense, you can plan how better to spend your billions if you know how the stocks are doing, right?

Anyway today was the day that this wonderful document was posted out to me. Although I didn't know this was happening. That is until I got home and saw this.

Free shredding service, no charge.
Free shredding service, no charge.

Turns out that the postman, despite us having an actual letter box on the front of the house, decided to stuff the envelope in through the front door letter flap. I know this because I managed to find the envelope.

It's a trail of paper breadcrumbs.
It's a trail of paper breadcrumbs.

See, my dog has proven time again that he is equal parts bloody awesome and ridiculously stupid. Today was his day to shine for being stupid. Once the package hit the ground Frodo decided to go to town on it.

It would seem he wasn't all that happy with how the stocks were doing.

I really wasn't happy with what I read, so I ate it.
I really wasn't happy with what I read, so I ate it.

I'm not sure who to blame on this one. You'd reckon that the blame lies squarely at the slabbering mess that I call a dog. But then if the postman is too dumb to put the envelope into a letter box, that is at eye-level and clearly big enough to take big envelopes, you'd figure that it really is his fault.

Fecking dog.


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